Bid Service, LLC 225 Willow Brook Rd. Freehold, NJ 07728
Phone: 732-863-9500Email: [email protected]
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Kensington Laboratories 11.25 484 1V Robot with Controller and Aligner. Nanometrics 8300 Robot and aligner from 12" system. Removed in good working condition.
Naples Coombe Stage. Stage Area: 3-3/4 in. x 3-3/8 in. DC motor. No controller or cables.
New England Affiliated Stage. MCG motor P/N ID15000 manual knob and two 9 pin plugs. Stage Area: 3 in. x 2-5/8 in.
Opto Micron FX-610 Motorized Stage. Mounting Surface: 4.75 in. x 3.5 in. 1.25 in. Travel.
Raith ESCOSY HIGH VACUUM MANIPULATOR. High vacuum motorized stage previously used in a Cameca ION TOF system. Stage has X,Y,Z,R and T axis motors. 115V, 50/60Hz
AITEC AR-SV3G-100 Wafer Transfer Robot. Was used in a vacuum cluster tool. No cables or controllers.
Genmark Robots. Serial numbers E0408 and E0196. Came with a set of spare parts for a sputtering system.